Paw Prints Logo

Human to paw handshake

:: Donate Online


PawPrints LogoDonate to PawPrints Network by honoring a family member, beloved pet, cherished friend or loved one. We will acknowledge the designated person or animal companion with a personal card when you include their contact information with the donation.

Secure online gifts may be made with an American Express, VISA, MasterCard or Discover using Paypal's secure server. You do not need a PayPal account to donate online.

Please note: Please be sure to select "Message to PawPrints Network" to the left of the order total and fill in the contact information for your In Memory Of or In Honor Of donation.

All donations are tax deductible. PawPrints Network is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our tax identification number is 27-1873066.